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Our After-School Program is offered to Students in grades K to 8 and focuses on Homework Help and Extracurricular Activities.
This program is free for all RCA students from October to June, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
Art is taught everyday in school and as part of the afterschool program by Mr. Cesar at 200 W Centennial ave.
Cooking is one of a few activities that can improve many abilities at once. Children can enhance math, science, language, moto development, art and social skills through Cooking.
Dance can benefits Children in many ways, including:
Physical Health: Dance can improve a child's cardiovascular health, muscular strenthh, endurance, flexibility, and balance. It can also help improve their coordination, agility, and spatial awareness.
Social Skills: dance classes can help chikdren learn to communicate better, work as a team and develop trust. They can also help children make new Friends and feel more confident.
Dance is part of the Overall Educational Wellness which we Provide at RCA.
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