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Laptop Pick Up 9/10/2020 thumbnail

Laptop Pick Up 9/10/2020


Thu, Sep 10, 2020 - Thu, Sep 10, 2020


06:00 AM to 02:00 PM


Timothy Ashley

Laptop Pick Up 9/10/2020


We will be distributing school laptops on Thursday September 10th from 9 am to 5 pm.   You must pick up your child laptop on September 10th. Please bring a valid form of identification.  If you have already pick up your child's laptop thank you.


Laptops will be distributed to the following groups of students. All students in grade 3 to 8 and all students in grade K to 2 whose parents have chosen to keep their child at home for remote learning. Pick up will take place in the gymnasium at 200 W. Centennial Avenue Campus on Thursday September 10 from 9 am to 5 pm. All safety protocols apply.

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